
Contributions to picozero are welcome. Please keep in mind that picozero is ‘lightweight’. It is designed to be easy to use but also needs to run on a microcontroller; please take this into account when considering feature requests or raising issues.

For more details, please see the following advice.


As picozero is currently in Beta, pre-release 1.0, you should consider the following:

  • The API is not yet set, however, this doesn’t mean that backwards compatibility is not important! It is a balancing act.

  • Requests for new features will need to be prioritised and responses to feature requests may take some time.

  • Refactoring of the code base is very likely and, as a result, pull requests may need rework.

  • Issues are likely to exist within the code base. Be kind!


If you have an idea for a new feature or would like to see a device included in picozero, please raise an issue. Please explain your reasoning clearly.


Please raise an issue for any bugs found. Please include code examples and circuit diagrams if appropriate.

Pull requests

All pull requests should be based on the dev branch of picozero.